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Keeping Focused...

Some mkt gurus are blaming the rise in indices recently is purely due to the large caps where small caps are largely lagging.   We at DJIM would like to dispute that theory whole heartedly.   Other than RIMM, pretty much all of our plays have been gathered around small caps.   There were plenty of opportunities here and there and we recall no less than 5 good plays at given time.   That's really enough to take advantage of and make your portfolio stand out.    Of course, we also admit that lots of focus, time, and energy are required in order to make the best out of them.   Then again, you just can't get good at anything without dedication and hard work.     Ok onto the plays....

TRT,  very very resilient.   This actually reminds us of this mkt.    It just won't go down.   Ok, we are not wishing for it to go down but even the best stock needs a pullback sometimes.    All we know at this point is that if it pulls back, we'd be adding it very aggressively.     What if it continues up without pausing?  Then in that case, this will be considered an extraordinary stock.   We definitely have very high hopes for this one as the earning season draws near.

SYX, ok so it made it to IBD#2.    We are reducing some exposure today as we think the near term catalyst may be over.   This thing may still have legs up but it can only be attributed from overall mkt action and its own chart action.   I'm sure BT will be on top of it.

MR,  can it break $17 and hold it?   So far the first part came true but we'll have to see about the second part of the equation.   We will likely add some on its way up if action does not disappoint.

Also so far EDU DGIT IAAC in our opinion are still holding their end of the bargain and ready for a potential move upward.    Over the next few weeks if not months, DJIM will be very busy as historically it's always been the time for our small caps to shine.    We just have to really focus up and gun down some big winners.


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